Well Testing

Protect Your Investment 

From exploration to production, well testing is a vital part of the process in determining a site's investment potential. Well Werks offers the ability to provide you with reliable, comprehensive data that you need to determine your reservoir's precise prospects and therefore design the most effective production plan to maximize your site’s potential return.

Know How Your Well Werks Best

Our well testing personnel have the skill and experience necessary to record and analyze higher pressures and measurements than standard production equipment can measure, providing a granular breakdown of the characteristics and properties of hydrocarbons trapped within the underground reservoir. These results allow you to manage your operation more effectively by ensuring that you better understand your site’s capabilities and discover opportunities to improve optimization.

Technology & Equipment

The professionals at WELL WERKS Energy utilize the cleaner techniques of sand mitigation where the fleet of sand traps range from cyclonic to spherical. We are equipped with 3 and 4 phase separators alongside full command centers outfitted in internet connectivity. Our trained personnel offer exact data entries with unique pressure sensors and timer capabilities. Custom reports are sent out promptly through the customer portal using a digital recording system providing unparalleled analyses.

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Productivity and Potential

Our top priority is to help guide you in reaching and maintaining peak productivity. Continued education in safety and performance secures the highest possible well production. The correlation uniting the porosity of your formation and hydrocarbon content of fluids extracted directly affects fine-tuning your equipment for pressure variations and operator protection. Well Werks prides itself on preserving your workers' safety and assuring that your operations are environmentally responsible.

Well Werks Energy personnel taking notes on productivity and equipment on a project site.
Well Werks Energy personnel running diagnostics on project site equipment.


Thorough, careful evaluation of every aspect of your well’s potential and performance under various operational scenarios can help to pinpoint a myriad of small adjustments. We WERK to improve both your methodology and equipment's performance, making a significant difference in how your site produces over its entire lifespan.

Real Time Project Tracking

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